
What happens when you are stranded? Stranded because of the rain, especially when you feel like going home. You do not want to risk getting drenched in the rain so you wait for it to stop. For the meantime, you cannot do anything because you are waiting in a shed with a lot of people struggling to keep dry. You have to wait. This is one moment where you have to wait and stay where you are. For people like me who do not like to wait, this is an agony. I would rather do something. Go out in the rain, walk towards the jeepney so I could go home. I do not want to stay in the shed and wait. This happens all the time and everytime I tried to get out of the shed and walk, after getting wet from the rain and hailing a jeep. The rain would stop. It was a big joke and I never learned to take it. Maybe next time.



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