Lord Help Me

Haay! Ilang araw na akong gumagawa ng report ko for my masteral, I need to submit pa Chapter One and Two of my Thesis! Blanko na ang utak ko, ano ang gagawin ko, haay! Ang hirap mag-aral..
Bwenas! Pagod na akong mag-type. Huhuhuhu!
Kanina ang ginawa ko lang, kumanta ng You Ought to Know ni Alanis Morissette,
kasi sabi ng isang foreigner sa isa kong blog, some kinda like Jagged Little Pill daw ang dating, so inspired naman me, mega sing to the max naman ako ng Head Over Feet.
Pero eto back to normal again, Thesis. Waaaaa! Yaw Na.

I Moved Out

Hello visitors of my blog, sorry can't update this anymore,
you can try checking my new blog by clicking here.


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