Havaianas and ME

Last Friday was our second month, August 5, 2005 and we celebrated it by buying the brazilian slippers and eating at California Pizza Kitchen. Now, while eating, I thought of making a separate blog for all our restaurant experiences. I just saw a blogsite where a cooking lawyer, posts all her cooking experiences and new recipe, It has several hits per month, and it looks like a recipe blog.

I so so, love my havaianas, it is pink, I am really looking for a pink havaianas.
Irwin's havaianas were black, some guy were eyeing the black pair that Irwin was holding, so hindi na niya binitawan.

My pink havaianas however were given to my by a girl, who bought several pairs, maybe 3 of them, buti na lang hindi na niya kinuha yun pink, she gave it to me,
when I tried it on, I had to agree, gosh, ang sakto sobra sa akin.

Siyempre, feeling tall ako sa havaianas ko, as in noh, suot ko siya sa bahay, and I make it sure na malinis ang talampakan ko bago ko siya isuot.

Tapos last night, I was washing the dishes in my havaianas, ang tangkad ko, siguro mga 2 inches additional. Hehehe. It is fun to wash the dishes in havaianas.



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