Something Good

Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somwhere in my wicked, miserable past
There must have been a moment of truth

For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should

So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could

So somewhere in my youth
Or childhood
I must have done something . . .
Something good

June 5, 2005, it was 8 am and it was raining! I wont let the rain dampen my mood because I know what I have to do that day is more important than the rain. I am marrying my best friend, my partner, my Mr. Right.

I didn't cry on that day, he did. He said that he was very, very happy. Now, it's my turn to cry, I cried on our first night, the next morning and now. I just couldn't image, how I can be so lucky to be loved like that, I always tell my friends, anyone who asked me why I am marrying him and I always told them that with Irwin, I could feel God's love, It's like God sent him to me. If God watches over you all the time,
he watches over me as long as he can, and I know he loves me very much that sometimes I thought that maybe I must have done something good to deserve someone like him. Just like the song in " The Sound of Music", "Something Good".


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