My Gown

I went to Bagong Ilog to get my Wedding Banns permission from the parish priest of my church. I never had a chance to pass by the C5 road, because my office is in Ortigas. I love passing by C5, because that is the only time I can see my gown shown in the display window of LINOI's shop. I looked at it longingly, remembering the time I tried it on. Everybody outside was looking at me, inside trucks, cars, even buses, they looked at me in the traffic.
I felt beautiful, I never thought a single wedding gown could make you more beautiful. I've lost some weight becuase of the pressure my job brings. I do not have to worry losing weight, I am losing it naturally.
I can't wait till my next fitting, by then, maybe I'd bring my veil, trail and a simple flower boquet to complete that bridal look.


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